Fox News: Terrorism as Revenue Stream – Innuendo as an Artform

Terror-fi-cation by Innuendo

carefully engineered stream of propaganda that is designed to dissuade the viewer from leaving the confines and comfort of the Fox News family of advertisers.

If you’re a Fox News watcher – you may not realize how severely fact-challenged you’ve become.  In fact,  you may not realize that your opinion isn’t a product of your own cognitive reasoning, but rather the purposeful result of a continuous stream of marketing and mis-information that has been irradiating your psyche with the sole intent of conditioning you to point of addiction to Fox’s “News-like” appearance, although there is no evidence that Fox News actually practices any legitimate journalism.

That is to say, Fox gives the impression of a news organization by featuring some names that have been associated with journalism, but what they deliver is a carefully engineered stream of propaganda that is designed to dissuade the viewer from leaving the confines and comfort of the Fox News family of advertisers.

It’s Not the Viewer’s Fault

with the occasional fact used as a condiment.

The Fox News subliminal drone of ‘Fair & Balanced’ is the equivalent of “The People’s Republic” in the Chinese National handle.  It is an impression, that is to say, it represents what they want one to believe without the pesky inconvenience or risk of actually being rooted in fact.

It is accomplished by giving you implied ownership with slogan’s uttered by professional teleprompter readers or actors posing as journalistic types.  Comments such as, “We’ll be right back – Fox – your balanced news source!”  Graphics carrying similar declarations  precede and end segments and are used as transitional devices for remotes.  When these aren’t useful, continuous screen crawls imbued with the slogans are continuously making their way past one’s consciousness and penetrate the fact / fiction border in the manner of guerrilla warriors taking cover with the occasional fact used as a condiment.

Sean Hannity – Voice of America ?? – Really ??

while the other group is power hammered into believing that the bar has been lowered so much – that anyone can earn 5 Million a year by talking … poop.

If you have ever wondered how Sean Hannity is gainfully employed in broadcast journa-talkism ??  Then you’re not a Fox News addict yet.  But don’t disregard these seemlingly harmless hawker of innuendo and fictionalized fact over which he presides.  He’s extremely effective.  If nothing else, he inspires hope in a flotilla of viewers that are factually lost at sea.  He epitomizes the celebrated demographic delta of morbid curiosity and ‘if he can do it, anyone can do it’ among its customers.  The former pinned to the television to see if Hannity will terminally lodge his foot in is mouth, while the other group is power hammered into believing that the bar has been lowered so much – that anyone can earn 5 Million a year by talking … poop.  And who’s to say this isn’t true in the face of – well – his face on the television and matter of fact cadence of information that as a matter of fact – isn’t constrained by … facts.  Here’s a sample of when Hannity is even ruled to be ‘off-the-rails’ by the inventor of ‘off-the-rails’ politics – Newt Gingrich.

Brit Hume – Inspired by Nigel Bruce

… puppy dog eyes and the beginnings of distinguished jowels, belches the news…

One of the more comical masters of innuendo is noted for trailing off ends of sentences into indiscernable mumblings that may or may not be relevant to the underlying stories.  In memorable yet exceedlingly unimportant newscasts, Hume mystifies the viewer into forgetting that his bitterness and cynicism have merged yielding an automaton who can read commentary as though it were news – and without as much as a flinch – can conclude a barrage of misinformation with a punctiliously crafted – “and that’s the fair and balanced news.”  Not unlike Nigel Bruce’s portrayal of Sherlock Holmes’ partner in crime detecting, Dr. John Watson – the mere mention of Brit Hume inspires as autonomic reaction of throat clearing with simultaneous smirk.  It’s really just a matter of conditioning.

Brit Hume, with puppy dog eyes and the beginnings of distinguished jowels, belches the news irrespective of fact, along with the ‘Usual Suspects’ such as Fred Barnes, Juan Williams and the late Tony Snow – all equally capable making the average person hurl their shoes at a television screen.

NeoCons, Bushies and Terror – The Mother Lode of Demographics

…impression of insight, even though it was all military grade … bunk.

Fox News has built an empire by being the pitch team for the shareholders of the current Administration.  Now shareholders are distinct from stakeholders (which would be the rest of us) inasmuch as the shareholders operate on getting a return.  Think of this as institutional advertising for the big picture.

Remember when a few months ago, it was revealed that the Pentagon had on their payroll, retired war-mongers armed with talking-points, that were posing as Network analysts with insight. Fox News launched the venue.  Did you ever wonder why the networks didn’t make a big deal about this obvious scam ??  Simple.   They sought these people in order to be in step with Fox News – who simply chummed the broadcast waters while CNN, MSNBC, CBS News, ABC News and the plethora of repackaged versions of the same – begged to have military experts adorn the little boxes on the TV as though every newscast were The Hollywood Squares.  They just coudn’t resist having a retired generals and even colonels, pepper their broadcasts with the impression of insight, even though it was all military grade … bunk.

Bill O’Reilly, Fox & Friends and the other Cartoons

Steve Doocy …  ostensibly in fulfillment of his contract with Fox and we find it a singularly disheartening sell-out of values.

Frankly, Bill O’Reilly is commentary.  From a purely American perspective, this is Free Speech. Which means that there are plenty of others that are making good careers making fun of, writing books about or drawing caricatures of O’Reilly in sufficient abundance, that we’re not going to devote much real estate to him. While personally, we may agree that he is a buffoon – he’s uniquely American inasmuch as he has a huge following of buffoons, much the same way as a light bulb attracts gnats and moths on a summer night.  A man whose oratory skills and intolerable speaking style drives one to truly appreciate closed-captioning.

Steve Doocy, formerly a journalist, decided to abandon the craft for talky-newsy endeavors, despite his education.  This individual may be the most troubling of all the FOX family for a few reasons. First, it is our impression that he is a genuinely nice person that only plays an idiot on TV.  Secondly, he knows better.  He knows what innuendo is and he knows that he’s doing his bit simply for a pay-check.  While it’s great to take care of one’s family and to be gainfully employed – and to that end – this is a family man and good soul – How does he rise each day and shill for a deeply dark abyss of morality, and return to his family with pride?  We have an answer – although not a very nice one – simple greed.  Truly a disappointment.

To be clear, it isn’t our intention to suggest that by not agreeing with our particular point of view constitutes shame.  In fact, we find contention a valuable use of time.  Discussing, even arguing strategy, tactics and better courses for American prosperity and values.  However, we’ve heard the series of barely audible and rarely understandable talking points delivered by Doocy at the required intervals, ostensibly in fulfillment of his contract with Fox and we find it a singularly disheartening sell-out of values.

5 Responses

  1. This was awesome! I’m so glad I put you on RSS. Very good stuff Binx101, very enjoyable. I laughed so hard I forgot how angry I was. I googled Doocy after reading your article. It is sad, he knows better. Guess that’s what we’ve come to in this country

  2. I too googled Doocy after reading your piece. I wasn’t aware of his humanity before Fox. Great writing!

  3. OH crud! i just typed a nice comment and as soon as i submitted it it come up blank! Please tell me it worked properly? I do not want to sumit it again if i do not have to! Either the blog bugged out or i am just stuipd :), the latter doesnt surprise me lol.

  4. great article. thanks for sharing!

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