Info-tainers Faking Journalism

San Jose, CA – The Almost Daily Binx, V.A. Caminiti

It was Sunday night and the sunset was the backdrop for some light reading and a cocktail before deciding what to do for dinner.   We opted for light fare and decided to watch (or at least skim through) some of the Sunday morning news talk that we had recorded.  This was not a good idea nor a particularly good digestive aid.

All the News that's fit to miss

All the News that's fit to miss

First up was Meet the Press with David Gregory.  Mr. Gregory is one of those that seem afflicted with inappropriate facial expressions – a Monty Python sketch if ever there was.  I’m hopeful this is not a medical condition but rather a bout of conscience taking place while he’s interviewing.  In the latest episode of this veteran info-tainer’s race away from journalism, Gregory squandered an opportunity to ask President Obama important and relevant questions in place of positing ridiculous mis-quotes and strange conclusions, yet managing to intone an interrogative.   Not only is it distracting, it truly becomes bizarre when Gregory starts suppressing a sardonic smile mid-question as he trolls the waters of conversation trying to get the President to bite on the racism bait.  Obama won’t and Gregory and his ilk are determined to get him to bite – because – there is big media money in racism.

More disturbing though is the casual nature in which Gregory approaches speaking to the President of the United States.  One would believe it to be a talk show with the President hawking a book – instead of a Network News broadcast featuring a very lucky reporter getting to ask the President some tough questions.  And to that end, this is the thrust of my objection.  How could you waste an interview with the President of the United States with such terrible, ill prepared questions ??  How could you squander the opportunity to ask follow-up questions in a one-on-one interview ??  Was this about you and your career ??  Was this about you and your media exposure ??

Regrettably, I fear the answer is obvious – that’s Info-tainment.  Following the interview was Minority Leader Boehner and Sen Lindsey Graham with a further explanation that no racism exists in the USA – a particularly poignant claim more believable from the heavily bronzed Boehner than the pasty South Carolinian – both of whom claim no connection to the wing-nuttery of their national party chairman who has been repeatedly hurling undignified insults at the President.

After the Gregory botched opportunity it was time to check out George Stephanopoulos’ interviewing skills.  It didn’t seem possible that Gregory would have competition for the worst squandered moment in interview history but George managed to do it.  Repeated questions about the President’s critics instead of the President’s vision.

Stephanopoulos, though, managed to take it to a new low by repeatedly

Please begin to answer my question so I can interrupt you ...

Please begin to answer my question so I can interrupt you ...

interrupting the President of the United States, like an impatient pooch that wants to go out and chew on the mailman.  To top off this unpleasant departure from journalism, Stephanopoulos began to sound annoyed that President wasn’t biting on his tabloid-styled interrogatives – clearly meant to create ‘sound bites’  for the ideologues to surf like the Big Kahuna rather than a genuine examination of President Obama’s vision and detailed challenging questions thereof.

The constant interruptions were handled with aplomb by the President, although at times, he seemed as shocked as me as to just how shallow and misleading the questions were to the central burning points.  Not a single question about the mechanisms of finance as it pertains to health care; not a single challenge as to the actual philosophies that drive the reform; not a single solitary follow- up question.  Just sound-bitey stuff from an uncomfortable twitchy and squirmy info-tainer who believes his mother’s claim that he’s the smartest boy in the world.   Another wasted opportunity that any journalism major, irrespective of stripe, would have ventured their eye-teeth to score.

Following the non-interview interview of President Obama came the round table discussion with Stephanopoulos, George Will, Peggy Noonan, Bob Reich, Ed Gillespie and Donna Brazile.  Viewers were treated to the political framing of info-tainer George Will, now unable to contain his dyspepsia in the feeling that his conservative  banner has been stolen by wing-nuts and his career decision to disagree with any Liberal thought, even if it proves to be a good idea.

Let's make funny faces while the others talk.

Let's make funny faces while the others talk.

The others all chimed-in throughout the limited broadcast with their team song – however Peggy Noonan is hell bent on staying in the headlines.  In this episode, she decided she would characterize the President as being boorish in his attempts to use the media to advance Health care.  But if that wasn’t strange enough, Noonan erupted into a series of head-nodding, eye exercises and the oddest facial expressions while Reich was taking his turn. However, the topper was when she began moving her lips as other’s were talking.  Now, certainly if this were the result of Tourettes or some other medical disorder, we’d know, after all the woman seeks these public appearances for compensation.  My guess though, is that she’s just about completely made the transition into the happy place where journalists who have decided to sell-out and become part of the problem and work the media financial turbine as info-tainers.  Plus the fact, there’s ample circumstantial observations that she’s just plain nuts.

No follow-up questions ??  Is this possible.  Certainly.  This isn’t journalism.  Journalists have follow-ups.  These are info-tainers.  They have a tickler list and essentially aren’t doing any listening – just talking.  Alex Trebeck delivers more probative value when he introduces the contestants on Jeopardy than Gregory or Stephanopoulos.

Well, why stop there … as long as this stroll down info-tainment lane has already proved to be quite an appetite suppressant, let’s give Fox a whirl just to see what the co-creators of info-tainment are up to.  No surprise here, including vignettes from  the recent past.  Earlier in the week Bill O’Reilly decried he was being quoted improperly and illegitimately by the Left, who were spreading rumors that he allegedly broad-casted support of a public option.  Of course, after listening and relistening to the segment of his broadcast that allegedly contained the misinformation – O’Reilly clearly said he was for a public option. It is indisputable – that is what he said – yet – he’s disputing it.  Now it’s party time because Up is not only Up it is also Down in O’Reillyville.

Why is everybody always pick'n on me?

Why is everybody always pick'n on me?

Next, Fox News Sunday – where Chris Wallace, who’s been taking pot shots at Obama since before the inauguration; and recently permitted Sean Hannity to outright lie when he purposefully and willfully mis-characterized the President’s words on a Speech that Fox declined to carry –  whined and whined and whined that the White House didn’t agree to any Fox interviews.

Mr. Wallace has adopted a strategy that some of my relatives used to advance; whereby the bizarre behavior of an insulting avuncular figure was attributed to his affection for the object of his abuse.  So considering this barely conceivable shard of behavioral detritus, Chris Wallace is furious that the President isn’t returning his calls with love and has been throwing a temper tantrum for at least three days.

Add to the Fox line-up an array of characters that could form their own comic book  genre, former disgraced Clinton administration adviser Dick Morris – losing his breath screeching anti-Obama remarks irrespective of the logic or lack thereof; the very indictable Karl Rove – apparently in a parallel universe; and the sad-eyed Britt Hume – who mastered speaking while clearing his throat through an entire broadcast.  A line-up dedicated to disgracing Americans around the world with unprecedented interference and engagement in promoting dissonance and dishonesty in reporting and actually creating news events.  That’s info-tainment !!!

The FOX Tea Party – Right Wing Extremists Gone Wild

Tea Party - Owned and Operated by FOX

Tea Party - Owned and Operated by FOX

Fools Rush In

Are you amazed?  Are you stunned?  Are you able to wrap any thought around the fact that Americans, after permitting the eight years of ideologues to dismantle the Constitution, shred the Bill of Rights and throw civil liberties somewhere in the pre-Magna Carta time-line – would rally in these tea parties?

Now one must understand that almost every single one of the people engaging in these protests have done so at the urging of some influencial figure. They are unhappy and are exercising their right to protest.   It could be anyone, but mostly it was the National promotion by the entire FOX broadcast flotilla of jetsam that has actually sponsored this activity.  Nonetheless, FOX cannot be blamed for the fact that these pockets of dissidents are the ideal dissidents if you must have dissidents; simply because, they are acting against their own best interests.  According to the US GAO, the tax burden of most Americans will be reduced by the current Administrations actions.  That’s right – 95% of American taxpayers receive tax relief under the new plan.  But those are just facts.  This isn’t about facts.  This is about mass hypnosis.

The Usual Suspects

Gingrich - Never at a loss for words even when alone.

Gingrich - Never at a loss for words even when alone.

Gingrich, formerly King-of-the-Hill; presently, disgraced former House Speaker rants about the organic and spontaneous Tea Party.  What he omitted was the fact that the Tea Party concept was adopted by the Neo-Con loyalists with the intent of getting in the news … period.    FOX News Corps unrestrained grip on masses of uninformed and mal informed Americans is staggering , and Gingrich, as a bench player for  FOX news saw not only task but the potential to grab headlines.

hannity_coulter1“Nattering Nabobs of Negativity”

Singing back-up for Gingrich on the FOX broadcast monopoly are Jingo Singers Hannity and Coulter.  Hannity even went as far as to travel to Atlanta to host and further align himself with the misguided but highly touted tea party.

But what was the draw?  Certainly protest is the bedrock of Democracy so why the ridiculous and ineffective execution of a Nationally teleported uprising ?  Simple, it was an uprising of people who are unhappy – and were led by the nose and spirit to stand and protest a rise in taxes that will not effect them – so actually, it was more of  a magic show than it was a protest.  And so the tea-party might have better been described as FOX News – Masters of Illusion.

Nothing to See Here … Move Along

Now that's a tea party !!

Now that's a tea party !!

Not to mention the ill advised use of the term tea-bagging as muted laughter could be heard across the nation – but the fact that there was nothing to hear, nothing to see, no ideas bing advanced that could be used to educate or inspire a reasoned discourse truly contributes to the lampooning this misguided and ineffective protest has spawned.  Futher it is encouraged by The Lost – the lost Neo-Cons that are still roaming the halls of Congress, FOX News and 1000’s of radio outlets across the world while further soiling themselves and the landscape – figuratively and literally.

The ‘Right’ Wronging America

Two of Forty-eight

It has been just two months since Barack Obama has been inaugurated as our Nation’s 44th President and just two months since the remnants of the most extreme ideologues of the Republican Party have reacted in a most bizarre combination of panic, jingoism and un-American behavior. To the untrained eye, it appears to be random stupidity. Yet, recent events suggest that it is precisely the same tactics they (Republicans) used to prop up Newton Leroy Gingrich and begin deconstruction of the Constitution as a result of the 1994 Congressional elections. Remember, the cast – Roger Ailes’ political communications team – eventually to include the most unsavory and possibly most unstable neo-conservative talkers the United States has ever given comfort and inalienable rights.

While challenging the status quo is the raison d’être for journalism and commentary – the ‘news-talk’ / ‘ journo-tainment ‘ megaplex is primarily controlled by a deliberate, disparate and desperate group of conservatives that have become driven to preserve and recapture power. Routinely they wander into the territory of treason while painting themselves red, white and blue; and, quite unfortunately, they have managed to become icons for the severely uninformed. In an effort to not be upstaged, moderate media outlets have routinely covered the misinformation and in a sense have ventured to legitimize the dialogue in an effort to justify their hunger for the content, thereof.


Just Say No

Tonight, President Obama held a press conference with an opening statement, directly addressing recovery plans for our troubled economy. While many Americans are scratching their heads and trying to understand the elements of the problem and the solution – the Right Wing Party hierarchy has passed the word by perverting Nancy Reagan’s anti-drug slogan – ‘Just Say No’ And the is precisely what they have done. No plans, no alternatives, no dialogue – simply planting their feet like recalcitrant imps, screaming “No!” A phrase earlier adopted by former Senator and felony indicted Ted Stevens of Alaska, when he refused to budge by reducing the earmark request for the famous bridge-to-nowhere.

However, this evening, no Republican was inebriated enough to attempt a public rebuttal to the President’s conference, since they haven’t actually had a meaningful legislative idea since former Congressman and felony indicted Tom Delay made redistricting congressional strongholds a pay-to-play gold mine for the good ‘ole boys on the Hill. Not a single meaningful discourse, but alas, the journo-tainers were all over the television screen in little boxes, big boxes and full screens with displaying inept clairvoyance and a fumbling grasp of the supernatural that would make Rod Serling guffaw from the grave.

A Republican strategist (names of these journo-tainers purposely omitted) on CNN , this very evening, suggested that President Obama’s very brief and perfect response to a mindlessly aggressive and accusatory question by CNN’s reporter at the conference, was somehow an omen of Obama’s crack-up. A chink in the armor of the president that gave him reason to opine that there is now a greater possibility that Obama will be a one-termer.


Got Flag Pin?

Now one might think that is just a bit of overplay by a partisan hack –but alas, this is not the point. This is the antithesis of a Hazmat team. This is the neo-con / deep left emergency squad sending the message to place toxic waste throughout the mediaplex with a flag-pins stuck in the waste. Not long after the questions were done … I had the pleasure to make my nightly call to Mom. Alas, she was surprised to hear that Obama was reported to have lost his temper at the news conference. My immediate reply – “you’re watching Fox News, right?” “Yes,” she replied – “how’d you know?” “Elementary my dear, elementary.” I then commenced to explain what I’ve written below. When my 90 year-old Mother was able to respond: “You know, I think you’re right! They were also talking about him laughing in his interview on Sunday when talking about the economy. It seemed quite unfair and inaccurate.” The axis has shifted. My Mom lives in Fox Country – Florida, and she’s not buying it anymore.


Hail Mary

Just imagine, the information was out early in the day. The plays were phoned-in, emailed, tweeted and possibly sent by Morse Code or banging rocks. Seconds after President Obama finished his interview on 60 minutes – I imagine the group that coerced the corpulent former VP to fire one or two over the bow of the ship-of-State, realized that perhaps their idea to have Dick Cheney, the most toxic figure in American public life since John Wilkes Booth, throw a Hail Mary pass was not working in their best interests. Indeed to cover their complicity in Cheney’s corrosive comments, they began leaking to the press anonymous and attributed comments that he should keep quiet. Is anyone buying it? Perhaps the crowd that listens to the caustic right wing mediaplex – but the dwindling group is now mostly a group of very sad extremists easily satisfied by leaders and media stars that are addicted to prescription medicine or have been proven wrong in every major decision they have made.

In either case, they come with the turf and free-speech comes with a great cost. History will not treat these dingos of political blood-sport and avarice very kindly. In fact, ‘the present’ doesn’t seem to tolerate them very well either. While I am an Independent because of my distaste for the legacy stench in Democratic Party – it has not been difficult to caucus, if you will, with Democrats. Now it’s time for principles and principals. It doesn’t matter what Party they belong to as long as they promote a practice of Americanism. Not conservatism, not liberalism and certainly not hooliganism, but Americanism – a theory that human rights is worth dying for, even if it provides the potential for someone to be un-American.

Our new President understands this and practices it. It’s in his bones – not something he portrays for the public. We hardly noticed him before until we realized that this selflessness was something that many of us experienced in our own families and life-styles, long before propagandists sold their self-respect for a few pounds of cash and a fancy car.  And we like it.  In fact, we are it.

Fox News: Terrorism as Revenue Stream – Innuendo as an Artform

Terror-fi-cation by Innuendo

carefully engineered stream of propaganda that is designed to dissuade the viewer from leaving the confines and comfort of the Fox News family of advertisers.

If you’re a Fox News watcher – you may not realize how severely fact-challenged you’ve become.  In fact,  you may not realize that your opinion isn’t a product of your own cognitive reasoning, but rather the purposeful result of a continuous stream of marketing and mis-information that has been irradiating your psyche with the sole intent of conditioning you to point of addiction to Fox’s “News-like” appearance, although there is no evidence that Fox News actually practices any legitimate journalism.

That is to say, Fox gives the impression of a news organization by featuring some names that have been associated with journalism, but what they deliver is a carefully engineered stream of propaganda that is designed to dissuade the viewer from leaving the confines and comfort of the Fox News family of advertisers.

It’s Not the Viewer’s Fault

with the occasional fact used as a condiment.

The Fox News subliminal drone of ‘Fair & Balanced’ is the equivalent of “The People’s Republic” in the Chinese National handle.  It is an impression, that is to say, it represents what they want one to believe without the pesky inconvenience or risk of actually being rooted in fact.

It is accomplished by giving you implied ownership with slogan’s uttered by professional teleprompter readers or actors posing as journalistic types.  Comments such as, “We’ll be right back – Fox – your balanced news source!”  Graphics carrying similar declarations  precede and end segments and are used as transitional devices for remotes.  When these aren’t useful, continuous screen crawls imbued with the slogans are continuously making their way past one’s consciousness and penetrate the fact / fiction border in the manner of guerrilla warriors taking cover with the occasional fact used as a condiment.

Sean Hannity – Voice of America ?? – Really ??

while the other group is power hammered into believing that the bar has been lowered so much – that anyone can earn 5 Million a year by talking … poop.

If you have ever wondered how Sean Hannity is gainfully employed in broadcast journa-talkism ??  Then you’re not a Fox News addict yet.  But don’t disregard these seemlingly harmless hawker of innuendo and fictionalized fact over which he presides.  He’s extremely effective.  If nothing else, he inspires hope in a flotilla of viewers that are factually lost at sea.  He epitomizes the celebrated demographic delta of morbid curiosity and ‘if he can do it, anyone can do it’ among its customers.  The former pinned to the television to see if Hannity will terminally lodge his foot in is mouth, while the other group is power hammered into believing that the bar has been lowered so much – that anyone can earn 5 Million a year by talking … poop.  And who’s to say this isn’t true in the face of – well – his face on the television and matter of fact cadence of information that as a matter of fact – isn’t constrained by … facts.  Here’s a sample of when Hannity is even ruled to be ‘off-the-rails’ by the inventor of ‘off-the-rails’ politics – Newt Gingrich.

Brit Hume – Inspired by Nigel Bruce

… puppy dog eyes and the beginnings of distinguished jowels, belches the news…

One of the more comical masters of innuendo is noted for trailing off ends of sentences into indiscernable mumblings that may or may not be relevant to the underlying stories.  In memorable yet exceedlingly unimportant newscasts, Hume mystifies the viewer into forgetting that his bitterness and cynicism have merged yielding an automaton who can read commentary as though it were news – and without as much as a flinch – can conclude a barrage of misinformation with a punctiliously crafted – “and that’s the fair and balanced news.”  Not unlike Nigel Bruce’s portrayal of Sherlock Holmes’ partner in crime detecting, Dr. John Watson – the mere mention of Brit Hume inspires as autonomic reaction of throat clearing with simultaneous smirk.  It’s really just a matter of conditioning.

Brit Hume, with puppy dog eyes and the beginnings of distinguished jowels, belches the news irrespective of fact, along with the ‘Usual Suspects’ such as Fred Barnes, Juan Williams and the late Tony Snow – all equally capable making the average person hurl their shoes at a television screen.

NeoCons, Bushies and Terror – The Mother Lode of Demographics

…impression of insight, even though it was all military grade … bunk.

Fox News has built an empire by being the pitch team for the shareholders of the current Administration.  Now shareholders are distinct from stakeholders (which would be the rest of us) inasmuch as the shareholders operate on getting a return.  Think of this as institutional advertising for the big picture.

Remember when a few months ago, it was revealed that the Pentagon had on their payroll, retired war-mongers armed with talking-points, that were posing as Network analysts with insight. Fox News launched the venue.  Did you ever wonder why the networks didn’t make a big deal about this obvious scam ??  Simple.   They sought these people in order to be in step with Fox News – who simply chummed the broadcast waters while CNN, MSNBC, CBS News, ABC News and the plethora of repackaged versions of the same – begged to have military experts adorn the little boxes on the TV as though every newscast were The Hollywood Squares.  They just coudn’t resist having a retired generals and even colonels, pepper their broadcasts with the impression of insight, even though it was all military grade … bunk.

Bill O’Reilly, Fox & Friends and the other Cartoons

Steve Doocy …  ostensibly in fulfillment of his contract with Fox and we find it a singularly disheartening sell-out of values.

Frankly, Bill O’Reilly is commentary.  From a purely American perspective, this is Free Speech. Which means that there are plenty of others that are making good careers making fun of, writing books about or drawing caricatures of O’Reilly in sufficient abundance, that we’re not going to devote much real estate to him. While personally, we may agree that he is a buffoon – he’s uniquely American inasmuch as he has a huge following of buffoons, much the same way as a light bulb attracts gnats and moths on a summer night.  A man whose oratory skills and intolerable speaking style drives one to truly appreciate closed-captioning.

Steve Doocy, formerly a journalist, decided to abandon the craft for talky-newsy endeavors, despite his education.  This individual may be the most troubling of all the FOX family for a few reasons. First, it is our impression that he is a genuinely nice person that only plays an idiot on TV.  Secondly, he knows better.  He knows what innuendo is and he knows that he’s doing his bit simply for a pay-check.  While it’s great to take care of one’s family and to be gainfully employed – and to that end – this is a family man and good soul – How does he rise each day and shill for a deeply dark abyss of morality, and return to his family with pride?  We have an answer – although not a very nice one – simple greed.  Truly a disappointment.

To be clear, it isn’t our intention to suggest that by not agreeing with our particular point of view constitutes shame.  In fact, we find contention a valuable use of time.  Discussing, even arguing strategy, tactics and better courses for American prosperity and values.  However, we’ve heard the series of barely audible and rarely understandable talking points delivered by Doocy at the required intervals, ostensibly in fulfillment of his contract with Fox and we find it a singularly disheartening sell-out of values.

Wesley Clark v. John McCain : Corporate News Controls the Conversation


experiencing rush of gratification when our little-talking-head-in-the-box delivers a glancing blow to a loathsome little-talking-head-in-the-box

Remember when the term ‘newsmaker’ adoringly adorned someone that had chinked the tablet of history with an indelible mark?  Whether celebrity outlaw or outlaw celebrity, the term ‘newsmaker’ was a special term that indicated a person that was the object of spinning presses and a whir of news mechanisms including television and radio. It was a word rooted in the association of an event with the person that presided over its occurance.

This is no longer, what modern journalism and info-tainment professionals envision when they speak of ‘newsmakers.’  It seems, they’re now referring to themselves, in fact, they may be collegially referring to others that have scooped with their scripts, or framed a quote; even, edited the perfect sound-bite to create a controversy.  Arguments that do not, in reality, exist but nonetheless arguments that are certain to occupy their customers – who by and large – savor the paint-ball style drive-by news-ish sort of reality kind-of dust-up combative engagement of their politicians.  An electorate that might very well tolerate a conversion of the bicameral legislature to include a venue in both houses that would include cage-fighting.

Of course, with every developing nuance in the tactical execution of the News Business, that is to say, techniques in marketing a product to the public that is ‘news-ish,’  there are detractors. Some are from the marketplace, offended at the artist’s hue in replicating actual events.  Others are from the greater info-tainment body, concerned that their brand is not getting its rightful share of the action in ‘news-ish’ airplay.  That’s when they volunteer to sit in little tiny boxes at various points around the TV screen on other ‘news-ish’ shows – while radio programs do this without the benefit of the little boxes and can’t evoke memories of the Brady Bunch.

The casual observer might think that this is broadening the visibility on the underlying subject matter, but alas, this has nothing to with any particular story, but rather, this is the breeding ground of ‘newsmakers.’ Indeed, this is where the propagation of the species takes place, and we, the viewing public, become the voyeurs at the ‘news-ish’ peep show at a price far more expensive than a few quarters in a slot.  Before long, we are living vicariously through our favorite little-talking-head-in-the-box and actually are drawn to believe a ‘news-ish’ reality and experiencing rush of gratification when our little-talking-head-in-the-box delivers a glancing blow to a loathsome little-talking-head-in-the-box as we shovel some nearly edible, hardly nutritious and fiber-free comestibles down our throats because we’ve been hypnotized by the manufacturers commericals between segments.

Gen. Wesley Clark States the Obvious – How Dare He !!!!!

but why bother clarifying the message when FOX News is going to run with it in the daily talking points

The latest flap has been about Wes Clark’s comments on Sunday in an interview on Face the Nation.  Even Paul Krugman, opinion writer for NYT couldn’t resist a few words about it.  His last words, while predictable, were also on the money.  Why did everyone run for the hills??  Why did they (Obama Campaign) let the info-tainers and the McCain Camp control the ‘news-ish-ness??”  Why are the Democrats so comfortable to jeopardize their obvious lead across all National polls – by fighting among themselves.

Wes Clark simply pointed out that John McCain has been given a pass by the corporate media (who sip his potables, eat at his BBQ, ride the bus, have the doughnuts with him, and he affectionately calls his little jerks) in permitting him to leverage his former career as a Navy fighter pilot, and unfortunate experience as a POW, as worthwhile experience for the job of President.  Perhaps Clark is wrong, perhaps Clark is correct … we’d never know because our ‘news-ish’ info-tainers don’t want to talk about it – but rather want to talk about talking about it.  In the 2 years that we’ve watched John McCain run for President (this latest run that is) we’ve not seen this obvious question raised.  Why??  Because, in an interesting way, the silence has been bought and paid for by countless doughnuts, dinners and dry wine; the resulting denouement being a detente of sorts. A laconic laissez-faire in which the inner circle of the highest press priests and priestesses have traded truth for access.

This in itself may seem counter-productive to journalism, but, this isn’t journalism.  This is ‘news-ish-ness’, info-tainment and little-talking-heads-in-the-box consumer driven alternative reality corporate media.  That being said, access rules!  Truthiness(tm) is good enough.   Wes Clark?  He’s accessible enough, but why bother clarifying the message when FOX News is going to run with it in the daily talking points, Rush (Roger Ailles) Limbaugh is reporting for duty seeding the clouds for the afternoon and evening storm of little-talking-heads-in-the-box, and the store shelves are loaded with microwaveable cups of food-ish stuff for the masses to consume??

Conversations Controlled for Your Pleasure

  1. George Bush thanks John McCain and Lindsay Graham for supporting the G.I. Bill which they didn’t support at all.  McCain didn’t show up for the bill, however was vociferous in his rejection.  Lindsay Graham voted against it.  Bush lied.  Nary a peep.
  2. Wes Clark is misquoted repeatedly taking attacks not only from the Right malicious machinery but from freaked out Left Wing special interest groups and those afraid of the Right.  The Corporate Media only speaks of Wesley Clark’s comments, and never does any in depth discovery, but rather quotes John McCain in a narcoleptic repertoire discussing his captivity in Viet Nam.
  3. John McCain selects one of the most visible Swift Boat attackers to be on his team after vowing to never use swift boat tactics. Not much about it in Corporate Media … more in the next issue.

Camp Hillary: That was Then – This is Now – Update – Video Added

– San Jose California, The Almost Daily Binx -13 May 2008; by Binx101;

Terry McAuliffe – Political Yahtzee

We picture his morning excercise to include fifteen minutes of “You lookin’ at me ??”

In moves of desperation, seasoned with some B-movie theatrics, the Hillary Clinton Campaign is looking for a political do-over.  This is accomplished by ignoring reality and floating out the possibility of Barack Obama having a ‘Bill O’Reilly’ moment in public melt-down, beating his children while robbing a bank. Now, bring out a holiday post-meal favorite – Yahtzee !!!  Of course if this analogy were to be a bit more complete … it would include the fact that in this case – there’s been no meal.  Just Yahtzee.

And what Yahtzee it is … as everyone watches … the HRC team rolls ones, but fills in sixes; then they roll twos and fill in fives. But the fun part is, everyone is watching.  Directly to the point – we believe Terry McAuliffe has a life altering bonus at stake – and has decided that his prize is more important than acknowledging the truth, doing the right thing or the entire health of the Democratic Party.  We don’t know what it is, but his once pleasant smiling face has been replaced with gambler’s worried look and an aspiring mobster’s glare.  We picture his morning exercise to include fifteen minutes of “You lookin’ at me ?? Eh? You lookin’ at me???” in a spittle covered mirror.

Going for Broke – The Next Career?

“… collective of policies of the Hillary Clinton campaign should be of grave concern to supporters and precursor to the high likelihood of this behavior carrying on into a Clinton presidency.”

But the real meat on the bone – is the fact that Terry McAuliffe, seems to be unfamiliar with his own words (cick-here), (as head of the Democratic National Committee) sternly warning Michigan that there delegates would not be ‘seated’ under any circumstances, if they attempted to move up their primary and violate the rules, four years ago.  In fact, these were not just words, but rather they were threats, to Senator Carl Levin (D-MI.) McAuliffe seems to ignore reality when confronted with his own unwavering position and continues speaking as though he didn’t hear, read – or -in fact write his own contradiction to his current position on behalf of Hillary.

We’re not quite sure what the potential upside is for McAuliffe, but we feel safe to assume that the prize for his public self-destruction and career suicide is a stream of Murdoch book deals and a five year contract with FOX News.  A company, by the way that McAuliffe has been publicly praising and courting, in another mind-boggling reversal of attitude.  In addition, we feel that this “kitchen sink” and “anything goes” collective of policies of the Hillary Clinton campaign should be of grave concern to supporters and precursor to the high likelihood of this behavior carrying on into a Clinton presidency.

The Resilience of Wile E. Coyote

“… an Obama presidency would serve to unravel the very network of corrupt Democratic politics that has shielded many …”

Any fan of the Road-Runner cartoons remembers two things.  The Road-Runner always wins, and Wile E. Coyote never quits.  It doesn’t matter what the cost, what the danger or the obvious reality. The coyote is driven beyond the realm of reality, beyond the limits of physical abuse and beyond the limits of any public good … covering roads with debris, causing mine shafts to collapse … and sending missiles in the air with a disregard for when they miss their target.

While McAuliffe, is clearly auditioning for his next job, although it is highly unlikely it will be in Democratic politics, Hillary has passed up the opportunity to make a difference in any form in future, because of the tenor of her campaign and the obvious refusal to acquiesce to the inspirational candidate, the youthful candidate and the non-collateralized candidate.  Of course the danger to Clinton, is that an Obama presidency would serve to unravel the very network of corrupt Democratic politics that has shielded many of the dinosaurs from public scrutiny.

Political Round-up : Lowdown on the High Points

– 3 May 2008, The Almost Daily Binx, San Jose,CA; by Binx101

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

“… he found the spotlight irresistible and commenced shooting at his feet …”

A group of supporters were still critical of Barack Obama for appearing on FOX News with Chris Wallace on Sunday.  However, it seems that Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the center of a controversy, has managed to steal the ultimate spot light and transform his life’s work into little more than potential recurring characters on future episodes of “South Park,” and possibly America’s newest icon for “insane”.

Reverend Wright, upon accepting Barbara Reynolds’ (a vociferous Clinton supporter) invitation to speak at the National Press Club performed what appeared to be ‘stand-up.’ While he may have thought this was an opportunity to clear his name … he found the spotlight irresistible and commenced shooting at his feet and dancing to avoid injury, thus providing the corporate media with another 60 minutes of material in which to document the Pastor committing professional suicide by becoming a statistic in the National register of  ‘WTF?’

Play It Again Sam …

“… Vieira felt compelled to offer each interrogative with a painful grimace …”

Michelle and Barack Obama also sat for an interview with Meredith Vieira on NBC’s today show.  While the Obamas’ performance was considerate and patient, it is the opinion of The Almost Daily Binx, that a Coffee Vending machine could have performed better than Vieira.   She articulated a script that didn’t account for the Obamas’ complete answers – thus rendering her follow up questions (which she didn’t have the professional chops to edit on the fly) sounding as though she wasn’t listening to the answers she had just been given.

As we understand that Nielsen Demographics insist that this was still well over the relevant IQ average of daytime television viewership – it would have been thoughtful to edit Vieira’s interview by eliminating the redundancy or completely less painful if they had just eliminated Vieira.  We’re still mystified as to why she felt compelled to offer each interrogative with a painful grimace.  Was she emoting the severity of her consternation with answering the same question over and over?

Hillary Chief Strategist at Casting Call

“… McAuliffe lost his mind … screaming thank you … to FOX News …”

Early voting in Indiana appears to be favoring Barack Obama over opponent Hillary McCain Clinton.  Obama is looking for victories in both Indiana and North Carolina in order to completely reverse the effects of McCain’s Clinton’s predicted win recently in Pennsylvania.  It was one day later that Terry McAuliffe lost his mind and began auditioning for FOX News as a paid analyst, presumably as soon as Clinton bows out of the race.  He was last seen screaming thank you to any cameras and microphones in range, to FOX News for their ‘fair and balanced’ coverage of McCain Clinton, Rush Limbaugh and the Republican’s hopeful for Democratic nominee.

The quid pro quo of the ramifications of  lying with dogs was never so apparent as has been the comfort with the McCain Clinton camp in making new allies in the Republican equivalent of the former Soviet Union’s News Agency / Propaganda Network.  Another small omen.

John McCain and Hillary McCain Clinton Sing a Duet

“… their lack of understanding the devastating ramifications of their proposals is merely a glimpse into the future …”

Both presumed Republican Presidential Candidate , and Democratic Nominee contender have again agreed to propose an essentially overt act of typical political distraction, by offering the Nation a small and limited suspension of the national gas surcharge.  This surcharge goes directly to the Department of Transportation super-fund which employs tens of thousands of Americans in pursuit of repairing Interstate routes and transportation infrastructure in all 50 United States.

We believe that that the ‘quick fix’ mentality of both McCain and McCain Clinton would inspire them to recommend a fix that would thrust untold numbers of Americans out of work in order to seem as though they were being assertive in larceny that they proclaim as energy policies.  The shallowness and the lack of depth in their recommendations and their lack of understanding the devastating ramifications of their proposals is merely a glimpse into the future, should either of these political porkers be successful in reaching Presidential office.

Hillary Clinton Elected President of Pennsylvania or Texas Redux?

23 April 2008, The Almost Daily Binx, San Jose, CA by Binx101

Pennsylvania Counties

In an unbelievable upset – Hillary Clinton … WAIT !!!  STOP !!!

  1. Didn’t the  primary end the way that it was predicted for the last week??
  2. Wasn’t Obama expected to lose by at least a 20% margin??
  3. Did I hear Terry McAuliffe praising Fox News for being fair and balanced??
  4. Doesn’t double digit refer to whole numbers, decimal points??
  5. This much excitement for a non-event??
  6. Did I just hear Terry McAuliffe praising Fox News for being fair and balanced??
  7. Did I just hear Karl Rove praising Hillary Clinton??
  8. Does your water taste funny??
  9. Did I just hear Terry McAuliffe praising Fox News for being fair and balanced ??
  10. Did Hillary just become the President of Pennsylvania??
  11. Who promotes the primary as an upset ??
  12. Did I just hear Terry McAuliffe praising Fox News for being fair and balanced??
  13. Aren’t net results likely not to change current stats by very much??
  14. Isn’t the apportionment of County results key to the real results and not available yet??
  15. Did I just hear Terry McAuliffe praising Fox News for being fair and balanced??
  16. How’s Rupert Murdoch doing with that FCC battle to control the NY Press?

Debate or Da’ Bait : ABC News Goes Springer

17 April 08, The Almost Daily Binx, San Jose, CA; by Binx101

Wasted Opportunity – The Skipper and Little Buddy

Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, looking a lot like the main characters from a comedy sketch parody of an actual political debate, presided over the worst televised Presidential debate – ever.  While ABC may be patting themselves on the back for record viewership – their tabloid styled questions revealed their lust for ‘gotcha’ as they abandoned any pretense of being a legitimate News adjunct or a legitimate challenge of the potential nominees vision and policy principles.

The sense that the TV event was a debate was shattered in mere minutes as the subtle slap-fest began.  All anticipation of the general public learning the nuance of the potential nominees’ policy bent through reasoned argument was shattered from the first words the hosts uttered.

Towering Charles Gibson, with spectacles permanently perched on the tip of his nose, reminiscent of a Norman Rockwell painting, appeared to be delivering lines in a read-through of a new stage play.  Though he paid particular attention to enunciation and dramatic inflection, there was every sense that the questions were carefully designed (including untimely follow-ups and moderator interruptions) to evoke emotion rather than provide any probative value

George Stephanopoulos, highlighted his diminutive stature further by addressing Clinton and Obama from an unusual and peculiar-looking crouch; a body language that curiously projected tremendous discomfort and uneasiness.  His voice and demeanor, lacking their usual confidence and animation, seemed that of a reluctant interlocutor rather than a an interested interrogator.  His questions, not unlike Gibson’s followed suit, requiring a defensive posture by the candidates each time necessitating them to defend against media manufactured innuendo before expressing any policy ideas.

ABC News – Heck’ of a Job – Drive News Cycles and Profits

Indeed, there was clearly one objective in mind from the ABC News Bureau – to keep the pot boiling and create a buzz.  A lesson right from the Rupert Murdoch hand-book of journalism – it’s all about the money stupid !!

We’re terribly disappointed that the Disney owned ABC thinks so much of the American dollar and so little of the American electorate. A forensics team with the assistance of dazzling technology would surely fail to extract any other benefit from last night’s ABC “News” hosted debate other than re-igniting the Reverend Wright controversy, Hillary’s sniper gaffe, Obama’s inartful ‘bitter’ comment and Hillary’s poll declines in honesty.  All of which have had coverage ad nauseum in the corporate media yet appeared to represent the Network’s vested interests.

Economic policy and follow-up questions were relegated to the last moments of the debate even though they were preceded by a question to the potential nominees that was worthy of national dope slap.  That is, if they would follow suit and invite and regard the advice of the George Bush, should either one of them win the election.   This not only was a waste of the candidates time … but a waste of the viewers time and like most other questions of the less than dynamic duo of hosts – engineered to inspire gossip and late night talk show gags.  None of which was their charge.

We feel very strongly that Gibson, Stephanopoulos and ABC News were not simply derelict in their responsiblity but proved to be content with creating less clarity and more unuseful information instead of providing a the candidates an ample opportunity to discuss their differences in policy and vision.  The inclusion of silly man-on -the-street questions was almost as transparent as the uninspiring hosts’.

(The Almost Daily Binx apologizes for not including images in this article for visual esthetics, but after considerable discussion, we unanimously agreed that we didn’t want to have look at Gibson or Stephanopoulos for a while.)

Obama Climbing Mount Pennsylvania Despite Detractors

– 26 Mar 08, San Jose, CA; The Almost Daily Binx; by Binx101

Obama Campaigning – Always Challenging, Rarely Negative

“Lou Dobbs  … incinuated … Obama … encouraging ethno-centric divisions….”

The revolution of news cycles has finally slowed to a hum following a tire screaching return from the Easter break.  The brief respite has inspired the following lexicon:

  1. PUNDIT: Often and irritatingly mispronounced ‘PUN-DINT,’ refers to political analysts,  in common usage.  It’s origin is considered to be English language use in Colonial India and refera to a native Indian guide trained in observing the far-off frontiers and near inaccessible landscape and delivering cogent observations of the same to authorities.  We consider that many of today’s political pundits have beendobbs2.jpg visiting far off lands where they have become deluded into believing they are legitimate journalists and their fictional observations of utmost importance to the American Public.    Lou Dobbs comes to mind, as he has incinuated that Barack Obama is pandering to Mexican Americans and encouraging ethno-centric divisions in the voting population because he received the endorsement of Bill Richardson.  He further suggested that New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson’s endorsement of Obama and subsequent words in Spanish, was divisive and somehow un-American; because it hails divisions in our society (by Democrats) which leads us to our next word.
  2. Psychotropics: Pharmaceuticals that can not only perform incredible feats for shareholders, but occasionally can transport a severely suffering patient from despair to the safety of common sense and reason. Often the only life-line to uselfulness for some.
  3. Great Wall of China:  The polar opposite of the Statue of Liberty – but we digress.

Barak Obama and Bill Richardson have not responded to Lou Dobb’s assertions, or rather, incinuations that thier bridge building and very well received rally was a derisive and divisive.  However, Air America’s Sam Seder, not only provided sufficient clips of Dobb’s broadcast but also very worthwhile commentary while filling in for Randi Rhodes on 25 Mar 08.

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania and North Carolina Polling Indicate Upward Trends for Obama

“…  an impassioned speech …  singularly symbolic of American Patriotism.”

Despite Lou Dobb’s odd observation of the Richardson endorsement, it is apparent that richardson_obama.jpgthe brief Easter respite has revealed a positve assessment by the electorate of Sen. Obama’s handling of Reverend Wright’s provocative comments. Although Wright’s words and a montage of his most controversial comments were on a near continuous loop throughout corporate media broadcast assets. Obama never cried foul, never claimed “shame on you”and instead gave an impassioned speech, that if nothing else, was singularly symbolic of American Patriotism.

Polling results and a good story were available today and can be viewed at here. They are particularly interesting results since the Obama campaign hasn’t even begun their actual campaign strategy in Pennsylvania.

Pundits Gone Wild

“… Brian Kilmeade walked off the set of Fox …”

Pundits were covering the gamut last week en masse.  It included everything from wallace.jpgkilmeade.jpgdeclaring an end to the Obama’s campaign to FOX News broadcast face-offs because of objections by other Fox news personalities. Uncomfortable with fellow info-tainers harsh and somewhat inappropriate commentary on the matter, Brian Kilmeade walked off the set of Fox and Friends, and was followed by Chris Wallace offering some further criticism of  Obama-bashing co-hosts Steve Doocey and Gretchen Carlson.

We think Obama has touched many more Americans, than the polls accurately reveal, or that Clinton campaign leadership calculated.  Pennsylvania may in fact, be much more contentious than Ed Rendell or other Clinton supporters realized and could very likely be both the defining and ultimately unifying stage for the party in order to address the Republican campaign distortions of John McCain.